New Roof/2012


  1. Congratulations on your new roof! If I'm not mistaken, that must be a hipped roof. Hipped roofs are excellent in an environment subject to high winds and are good where tornadoes and hurricanes are yearly threats.

    Adam Waterford

  2. Hipped roofs are often hand-built, which makes them more expensive than other roofs. Generally, it takes a skilled contractor (or a team) to finish installing this roof. Nevertheless, they are worth installing due to what Adam has said: they have great resistance against tornadoes and hurricanes.

    Will Peartin

  3. Out with the old and in with the new – that’s what I hear from most people when they’ve changed something in their home. I love your new roof by the way. As they’ve said here, hipped roofing is a good choice. Because of its better aerodynamic design, it can withstand windstorms and structural damage. These are just some benefits that prove hipped roofing is a good investment.

    Lue Madson

  4. I agree with Will and Lue. A hipped roof is one of the more difficult to construct on-site roof types. Hipped roofs have a high resistance against tornadoes, so if your location is prone to these natural disasters, you’re better off considering installing hipped roof shingles.

    Son Lakhani
